
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade - The Sharpest Lives

Thursday, November 6

بی نهایت حال کردم که ماتریکس در Metacritic هم امتیاز پایینی آورده و نظر من رو تائید میکنه. جالبیش اینجاست که حتی user ها هم امتیاز تقریباً متوسطی به اون دادن.
تکمیلی: ها ها. نظر این رو بخونین. معرکه اس! دقیقاً حرف دل من رو زده.

I'm going to say something about this movie that is my choice to say. Something that I've wanted to say and will say after I say this. Before I say it it is important to understand that I choose and know why I choose to say what I want to say. I believe I know why I choose to say what I am going to say but what matters is why you beleave that you understand why you choose. It is also important that you understand that I do not use the word 'choose,' only the meaning behind the word...the word that does not mean anything to me--except fot the meaning associated with the word. So now I'm going to say it.... Take the above said add in some kick'n FX and two hands full of corn. Mix it all together and bake it with some hype and you'll have enough Matrix Revolutions for 8 - 10 soft headed guests.

| Sepehr, 10:07 PM